Library Service
Rules and Regulations
Postgraduate and undergraduate students are the primary clientele of the university library. Secondary clientele include academic staff, teaching assistants, and administrative staff.
Library services designed for students may also serve the community with special permit from the academic vice president. Library visitors from other organizations also need permission.
Library Services
To facilitate academic success, libraries must provide access to a broad range of information resources. Reference, orientation, and instruction sessions that teach students the skills necessary for using library resources are basic services provided by Harambee University libraries. Reserved space for group Discussion will be provided on request.
Circulation Service: One of the library's basic services is circulation service. The circulation service, as its name indicates, circulates library materials between readers. Its activity in general consists of getting material needed, issuing to the reader, and receiving it. Highly demanded books are lent only for one hour.
Reference Service: Reference Service for undergraduates often involves not only answering specific questions but also personalized instruction in the methods of identifying and locating research materials. Reference service provided by undergraduate librarians introduces the wide variety of resources in the library system and beyond.
Digital Library services: At the digital library, students can access a variety of E-resources such as E-books, E-journals, video tutorials, and E-catalog. They can also search for E-resources from other websites. These include Google Books, Library Genesis, National academic digital library of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa University-Digital Library.